Computerized Frame Repair Service
What’s Computerized Automotive Frame Repair?
The frame of your vehicle is more than just giving it a nice sleek shape. The frame’s integrity is a critical component in helping keep you and your passengers safe in the event of a collision. The frame was designed to buckle under stress to help keep you safe during a collision. Because it was engineered to bend, after a collision, it often needs to be straightened to bring it back to factory specified safety standards. We would also like to remind San Diego residents that we are conveniently located within driving distance if you need to have your automobile frame repaired.
Frame Damage is a Safety Threat
If a collision does happen and your vehicle’s frame is bent, weakened, or damaged, safety quickly becomes a concern. Without proper vehicle frame repair service, the integrity of the metal can be compromised so the vehicle does not adequately protect you if another collision happens. The best way to ensure that your frame is as safe as possible is to have computerized frame repair service by a certified body technician.
A Good Computerized Frame Repair Includes:
1.) Computerized measuring devices are attached to points around your vehicle’s frame
2.) The computer reads measurements and then compares them to the factory specifications
3.) Your damaged frame is put onto a platform of the Auto Body Frame Machine and bolted into place
4.) Chains are attached to specific points on your vehicle’s frame based upon where straightening is required
5.) The machine applies precise tension exactly where it is needed to pull the frame back into its original shape
6.) The computerized equipment then verifies that the adjustment was correct
Schedule a Computerized Automotive Frame Repair Service
As you can see, there’s no way to repair the frame yourself with precision. Mission bay Collision Center in Mission Bay has the certified technicians and specialized computer equipment ready to provide your Computerized Automotive Frame Repair service. If you have a bent frame, schedule service today to have one of our certified technicians provide you with a quick and convenient Computerized Automotive Frame Repair Service. We are conveniently located within a 10- to a 15-minute driving distance from most San Diego residents.
I-CAR Tech
Lifetime Warranty
98.6% C.S.S.
We Work with all Insurance
New Remodeled Building
37,000 Sq Ft
Secure Storage
Locally Owned
5 Day Turnaround Time